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FibreStrap and Red Bull are challenging gravity

Updated: Jan 21

Red Bull Flugtag is known for combining brains and bravery while entertaining large crowds. This popular event challenges gravity as the contenders are prompted to build human-powered flying machines and launch them off an 8.5-meter flight deck over water. And this year FibreStrap was in Lisbon to help them keep it together!


This year the traditional Red Bull Flugtag event in Lisbon, Portugal had 20 000 spectators on site, to watch while 180 participants in 36 teams launch themselves into the air in their handcrafted constructions.


“ For the event setup, we focused on reducing single-use materials wherever possible”, says Francisca Fernandes, Culture Marketing Specialist at Red Bull Portugal. “ Since Red Bull Flugtag revolves around flying machines set to launch off a ramp into the water, the construction materials had to be as environmentally safe as possible and easy to retrieve from the water post-flight”.​

FibreStrap environmentally safe for RedBull Flugtag events
FibreStrap environmentally safe for RedBull Flugtag events

"We are focused on reducing single-use materials wherever possible."
Francisca Fernandes, Culture Marketing Specialist, Red Bull

Eco-friendly and discreet

FibreStrap was the ideal partner to provide low-impact, eco-friendly cable ties to participants. Francisca tells us that aside from its reduced environmental impact, the discreet appearance  of FibreStrap is another advantage, as the ties blend into the setup much better than traditional plastic ones.

“ The participants were thrilled to receive FibreStrap in their kits! They were curious about this new option and motivated to incorporate it into their builds”.

Eco-friendly and discreet

FibreStrap was the ideal partner to provide low-impact, eco-friendly cable ties to participants. Francisca tells us that aside from its reduced environmental impact, the discreet appearance  of FibreStrap is another advantage, as the ties blend into the setup much better than traditional plastic ones.

“ The participants were thrilled to receive FibreStrap in their kits! They were curious about this new option and motivated to incorporate it into their builds”.

“ Providing Red Bull Flugtag with FibreStrap felt like a very natural collaboration as we bond over innovation and finding alternative solutions – and not being shy to challenges”, says Sigrid Svedberg Co-Founder of FibreStrap. “ Red Bull is leading by example and taking responsibility for the impact they have – not only on the spectators, but on the environment. We love it!” 


After the event FibreStrap proved another benefit:“With FibreStrap, recycling was much simpler, as the ties are easy to cut. For ties that couldn’t be removed from the flying machines or fell into the water, we felt reassured knowing they would eventually break down, especially in contact with water”, says Francisca.


For more information on the event please visit Red Bull Flugtag Portugal. If you want to know how your event can become more sustainable with FibreStrap, contact us for technical data sheet, samples or to place an order.

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