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FibreStrap wins Packnorth Award 2023

Updated: Jan 21

The FibreStrap Team are proud to announce that we were awarded the Packnorth Award in the category Circular and Sustainable Packaging at Empack Stockholm on 5 October 2023.


“The whole event was inspiring. We are so happy to see the whole industry moving forward, taking responsibility for sustainable packaging solutions. The number of smart and innovative entries in Packnorth Award made us very excited for the future. So being awarded in this context gives us extra joy”, says Folke Najjar, Co-Founder of FibreStrap.

The jury awarded FibreStrap with the following motivation:

“The world’s first cable tie with 98 percent renewable material. A sustainable switch of material where the construction material polyamide is replaced with materials directly from nature. With long fibres from FSC-certified Nordic woods, the result is a cable tie with very high strength, that is also recyclable.  Going from polymer material to fibre means a significantly reduced generation of CO2, and the same goes for water usage.FibreStrap is the only product in Packnorth Award 2023 with LCA documentation validated by a third party. This weighed extra in the jury´s assessment”.


"Packnorth Award 2023 made us very excited for the future"
Folke Najjar, Co-Founder FibreStrap

The FibreStrap Team are truly grateful for this recognition and is already looking forward to the next Empack Stockholm and to seeing the innovations presented at the next Packnorth Award. “There really is a strong wind of change and the future is bright”, says Folke.


If you want to know how your product and packaging could be secured by FibreStrap, please get in touch with the FibreStrap team.


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